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  • Writer's pictureSanne Butterfield

5 Essential Tips for Blogging

Updated: Feb 23, 2022

Ever wondered if you should spend more time (and money) on blogging*? The simple answer: definitely! A quality blog is hugely valuable to drive organic traffic to your website, engage with existing and new customers in an 'informal' manner and grow your brand at the same time. Here are my 5 essential tips to get you started: 1. Topic: choose a topic that is relevant, helpful and current: quality blog topics should be linked to customer feedback, questions and concerns. Think 'current affairs'. The result: your business is perceived as the 'industry leader' it is. 2. Know thy audience: who is your buyer persona and who is going to read your blog? Make sure your digital stories are going to resonate with your readers.

3. Length: the best blog length for SEO in 2020 is a minimum of 300 words (this blog is 313 words). Having more than 300 words keeps your blog from being considered 'thin content' on your website, meaning it won't be rated as highly in google searches.

4. Tone: it is a fine line, but there are some essential pointers here: try to be informative, without lecturing or creating a negative tone. Keep it snappy and lighthearted (where possible) and try to have some fun while you do it (entertaining = sharing). 5. Simplicity: a blog is one thought, one question, or one idea. The more direct and succinct you are, the better. And last but not least, before you press post, check if your blog has the following: • catchy headline • call to action • links to your socials • relevant keywords + tags • quality imagery • grammar check? All 100%? Then press post and don't forget to check post blog analytics to create even better performing future blogs. A blog(a truncation of "weblog")[1] is a discussion or informational website published on the World Wide Web consisting of discrete, often informal diary-style text entries (posts).

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