Does your business have an Online Marketing Strategy? An online marketing strategy is essential to get the most out of your marketing budget. It goes well beyond having a Facebook and Instagram page and posting on a daily basis. (Although you should be doing that too! :-)
Curious to see what's involved when SANA manages your online marketing strategy?
There are eight foundational components that every event Online Marketing Strategy needs:
1. An UX optimised Website that makes your website usable, enjoyable and accessible.
2. Management - let's makes those ideas happen - who does what and by when?
3. Offline integration - this is especially important for local businesses: how to link online marketing to offline marketing efforts like PR, local media, ads, business cards, t-shirts, banners, billboards, newspapers, magazines, flyers, radio advertising, car wraps, sponsorships...
4. Social Media: where are your customers on social media and what is your USP / key message?
5. Traffic building and monitoring: keeping on top of website performance and visits, stability and overall user experience. Also check if your traffic is direct, referral and/or search.
6. Client conversation analysis: are potential costumers taking the specific desired action you want them to take?
7. SEO - keywords, GMB, fresh content, fast loading speed, mobile optimisation...
8. Plan - need help planning? Contact @sanacreativemarketing today 🤍
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